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Our farm.

Open pastures.

Based in the Chinchilla district on the Western Darling Downs, Sunset Grazing, previously Quality Pasturefed Beef, has been operating since 2014 & now spans over three properties totalling just under 2000 acres, some of which has been in the family for over 80 years.

Our herd consists of 140 Droughtmaster/Brangus breeders & their progeny. Owning and breeding all the cattle that enters the Sunset Grazing meat chain is a big point of difference for us and one that means great assurance in meat quality for our customers. These cattle are rotated holistically through our paddocks at will, enjoying native grasses & mixed species fodder crops.

Natural behaviours.

Practicing low-stress handling methods on our farm, with continual interaction with the cattle and understanding their natural behaviours ensures they are always at ease.

This has a positive effect on animal health and productivity, delivering improved livestock health and production which also means better meat quality for our customers.

Choose grassfed beef for your family.

Full traceability – Where does your food come from?

Our customers care about where their meat comes from. They want meat raised in an environmentally and sustainable way. They also care about animal welfare. 

Sunset Grazing’s traceability gives customers full insights into the raising of each animal: when it was born, who its parents are, which paddocks it grazed in. Our regular weight recordings of animals allow us to have a strong grip on feed conversions also, ensuring we maximise the value of each blade of grass.

Our traceability also tells the story of how the meat was transported and how it was prepared.

Do you know where your beef is from 
and if it was raised in an ethical and 
sustainable way?


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